This blog contains posts and comments written by students in Dr. Tufte's economics classes at Southern Utah University.
Gas Prices
Identity Theft
People are dumpster diving to get old bills, pre-approved credit cards, bank statements and much more. Many people believe that it is safer to throw these documents in the garbage than it is to deal with them on-line. The best option is to handle with the internet, even though there are bogus e-mails, and web sites the get people to respond back, indulging personal information.
Another risk is the home computer. There are several ways that hackers can get information from the home computer. The best thing to do is get the Webroot’s Spy Sweeper 3.5. This is a Windows program that is a very good spyware protector.
This article discusses the problems of identity theft and offers some solutions for them. The last solution is to be a little paranoid of your own identity.
Blogging Withdrawals!?
Clicking Collusion
Low Birth Rate
The Korea Times has recently written that the birth rate in Korea is exceptionally low. The government has now passed a bill allowing all fathers three months leave from work if their wives gave birth.
The economic problems associated with the low birth rate is the same for Koreans as it has and will be for U.S. baby boomers. With a sudden drop in population, millions of people will have to be supported in 60 or 70 years by a tiny fraction of the population.
Also "current job insecurity will further deteriorate because a large number of schools will inevitably close. Women might be conscripted to make up for shortages of military manpower. Various pension funds will be depleted, threatening the welfare system in its infant stage. The nation will suddenly become an aged society. Retired people will be compelled to return to work sites."
"The Third World: Staying Poor and Growing Old" by Randy McDonald
Economic Food Chain
IBM blames the sales short coming on the drop in demand for hardware, software, and general computer services. Intel, TI, and other major chip producers are waiting nervously to see the effects on their revenue.
My question is, what would cause such a drop in IBM revenue? This year started out great for IBM yet in March their profits fell.
For more information, refer to the article Chips Slip a Blip.
Finding The Profit
Credit Card Bologna!
A struggling giant
Everyone Deals With The Prisoners Dilemma
Stealth Tax ... Be Prepared
Who Makes The BMW X3
US Seeks to Curb Textile Imports form China
Space Junk
Simple Things Produce Great Rewards?
Amtrak cancels Acela Express
This set back comes at a time when President Bush is pushing to revamp the rail system. The President is planning to shut down funding at a time when the whole system is in dire need of additional funds.
With the airlines all increasing their prices isn’t it good to have an alternative source of transportation? Should the Bush administration pull the funding on this system that thousands of people rely on each day or should they help to improve it and make it more accessible to the public?
Pricing Each College Course
LED evolution could replace the light bulb
The big fuss with the LED is they use less wattage and will last up to 50 times as long as a 60-watt bulb.
Mental Illness Among Grad Students
Gas dealer are getting low profit margin in gas price increases
Gas prices and issues the airlines are already dealing with
Actually totally random question, but was the airplane food ever a factor- It ceases to amaze me that people complain about not getting a meal on the plane. Why would people want the airplane food? I’m sorry, I just always wanted to know that.
PepsiCo’s earnings fizz in first quarter
Honda's recall
Thumbs Down on Air Cleaners
Do you really think that there is a perfect air freshener that will ionize the air? Well according to one consumer there is no such thing. There is not anything that can perfectly clean the air in your house. So it is recommended not to fork out the cash for these expensive air fresheners? Do you think that there is an air freshener that can do that?
Postage Stamp-sized Phone? Maybe
Do you think that it would be possible for a cell phone to be the size of a stamp? That is what Motorola plans to create by the year 2007. That to me is just plain crazy, how are you even going to be able to hear, or dial numbers. But anything is possible with technology today it is crazy how everything is so high tech. Some are even saying that it could just hang on a string off your neck like a necklace. So what are your feelings on the stamp sized cell phone will it really work?
Beef, will we still be able to eat it for dinner?
Would you buy trendier products from Wal-Mart?
The reason police and Wendy’s suspect foul intention is the litigious history of Ayala. She has personally filed several lawsuits against corporations including General Motors and El Pollo Loco.
Wendy’s has now doubled the reward money to $100,000. The economic side of this story is the monetary damage a case like this has had on Wendy’s. People are scared to find the last four fingers in their chili and have turned to substitute goods leaving Wendy’s short on green.
Economic Speed Bump
I have a hard time taking this article’s grim predictions seriously. I think that the above mentioned article is nothing but a short term prediction; a bump in the economic road if you will.
Maintaining Monopolies
Pork: Your tax dollars at work
Tips for the Last-Minute Tax Filers
My question is what happened to IBM? Their strategy seemed to be sound in the beginning, but has come back to bite them in the end. They took the opposite approach to the PC market. They let any and everyone make a product that would be interchangeable with the IBM. This was great for the consumer but left IBM with a problem. This being that they had no identity. You can buy an IBM based PC, but not necessarily an IBM. Is there anyway for IBM to regain its identity?
Toyota Prius
McDonalds 50th Anniversary Invites Reflections on a Brand Icon
Responsibility Waning
- A culture of narcissism or self-absorption;
- The rise of celebrity worship and entitlement;
- The distractions of the war on terrorism.
They claim that we hold people responsible in a legal sense, but in a moral sense no one takes responsibility. Are Americans getting more and more unethical in their practices, or is this an acceptable social norm these days?
Sony Gets the One, Two Punch.
Are You Ready for a Hybrid?
The big concern and topic today is the constant rise of gas prices. That is why more people are switching to the Hybrid cars. They are still pretty new, but getting more popular. When Honda First came out with there Hybrid the style was well not the best or even considered ugly. But now car companies are starting to make them like any other car with all of the amenities. So what do you think will the Hybrids takeover the car industry because gas prices are going up? Would you buy one if you could afford it?
Tax Deadline April 15
House passes bankruptcy bill
Prisoner’s Dilemma Made for TV.
Serve a Niche & Make it Big
Mary noticed there was a need for short inner-city hauls, and focused on serving that niche of the market. Her strategy and consistency served her well. Today there are 152 franchise locations that serve 27 states, and the business. Look what serving the right niche can do!
Demand Rises for Credit Reports.
Long Run Outsourcing.
Is Growth Bad for Environment?
Trade Deficit and the Income Effect
The Federal Reserve says Americans believe they can live beyond their means because they assume their assets will appreciate. Hoping to even the scale, the Fed raised the interest rates to 2.25%.
Costs of Relocating Radioactive Waste
Congress had two alternatives in dealing with radioactive mill tailings sitting by the
Many were worried that Congress would not relocate the tailings because of the high price tag and because
The Real Lump of Coal in Christmas.
Effects of Internet Gambling
Of course the U.S. cannot negate on a trade agreement, but what effect will this have on the U.S. gambling market.
The Traps Of Banks
Why Dog the M.B.A.?
Boy Beat to Death by Baseball Bat
So what should happen to this boy who murdered the other? I frankly don't know. It is sad that this would ever happen, and I again, feel bad for both sides. Although it was wrong, very wrong for a kid to hit another with a bat, it also wasn't right to make fun of someone either. The mother of the victim also released a statement she wanted everyone to hear on the TV broadcast, and said that this boy, who is now in custody, was a good boy and she never had hard feelings towards him. Today's kids have become so violent, things like this are happening more and more in the U.S.. What is happening to our families? I'm just glad I don't have to decide this boy's fate, that's for sure.
Euro's Strength To The Dollar
Crude Oil Goes Down While Gas Prices Stay High
I believe that one of the main reasons that gas prices are staying high is because demand is not decreasing. Think about it, do you ever have to go somewhere and decide rather to stay home because gas prices are too high? There might be times when you decide not to go somewhere that you want to go, but I doubt that is the case with most of us. The thought never really crosses my mind, if I want to go somewhere, I go. The fact is, gas prices can stay high, because we all keep driving.
Ban on Ephedra May be Lifted
Haiti Plans For Elections
Responsibility Of Outsourcers
Bankruptcy bill on its way to president
Beefing Up The Numbers
More and More Outsourcing
Judge Confirms Patent
Judge Confirms Patent
Staples to Copy
Southwest's Oil
Daily News paper at its...Best...Worst?
I have always been told that articles from magazines, newspapers, for example, are supposed to be non-bias. I guess I am not really surprised that this article came from the office where Ed Kociela works. I remember in one article that Ed Kociela wrote concerning SUU, and Roberds, in the Daily News paper a few months back quoting himself to be ‘a seeker of truth’. Ed is no more seeking for the truth than a sailor on a boat in the middle of the ocean seeking for water; I suppose Jennifer is on that boat with him. I am not a journalist, nor do I profess to be one, however, even I see red flags go up with this whole story of why Stephen Roberds was fired. I do not know the reason why he was fired, but I do know that it was not how Jennifer stated it in her article speaking of why Roberds was fired, “For being liberal and possessing a hot temper that flared in an October incident where he (Roberds) used the F-word in a debate with a student”. If that truly were the case, Roberds, in my opinion, would have a good case in a lawsuit against SUU. As of today, I have not read one article about Roberds filing a suit. Failing to bring this to court tells me that Roberds has something to hide. If I were a reporter ‘really’ seeking the truth, my first questions would have been about Roberds past working experience, to see if there was any connection between the two jobs. Again, I have not read one article where Ed or his staff has asked such questions.
No matter what people think, I attend a university that according to the Consumers Digest is one of the top 10 in the nation for quality and value, and we have our professors right now to thank for that.
Immigrants and Imports
The foreign goods were produced in the US, but they still came from foreign workers. The argument is that the policy was not protectionism at all,but free-trade through immigration. If society today calls for protectionism, it must also make sure that open-immigration is stopped, or it will all be for nothing.
The Pope and the Profits
E-bay had a huge amount of memorobilla posted on its web page, items from wristbands to comic books. Among the most expensive items were a bottle of holy water blessed by the Pope, at $500,000, and an oil-pastel portrait of John Paul II, signed by him, at $150,000.
Now doesn't this seem a little ubsurd to a certain extent to charge such high prices for items of the Pope and to make money in ways like this? I know that demand is high for items and collectibles pertaining to the Pope, but do we go to far at times? I think that selling items and making money from such things is okay, but I do think that we push it to the extreme.
FDA Can't Make Up Its' Mind
Bankruptcy Law Nears Passage
Bluetooth Sniper
Life Expectancy
Alternative To Satellites
Aspirin and the FDA
A Cure For Alzheimer's?
Are sport winners more violent then sport losers?
Globalization affecting commodities: supply and demand in action
The Death of the "Death Tax"!
Is the government simply rearranging taxes instead of cutting them? The blog states that this is but one more example of Republicans reducing the taxes on the rich and increasing them on the poor. How will the economy respond to this tax repeal? I guess we might find out sooner than expected.
Making it to the Top
What do we know about tipping?
Do we have too many ideas to choose form?
In the world today are there to many different choices that we can choose from. That is what it is said to believe in the article called we have too many ideas to choose from. I personally think that is true. There are a lot of choices that have to be made that can become very confusing they can make us frustrated and even depressed. Some examples are listening to campaign ads, or news stories it is just way too overwhelming with all of the information given. What do you think is there to many ideas to choose from today.
Taxes-Is My Cat Deductible?
These are just a few of the interesting things this article had to say. It has come to the point where people are searching for every way possible to get any kind of break on taxes each year. Is it getting to a point where it is just ridiculous, or is it okay to try and justify every single cent and try to get all the tax breaks possible? Where do we cross the line?
Are Expensive Shampoos Better?
The Golden Apple
With the boom in personal entertainment, Apple has a firm grasp on market share with the iPod. This is not the only portable digital audio player on the market but it has turned out to be one of the largest selling models. With the increased memory capacity and the ever reducing cost of this technology, Apple’s grip on the market is continually getting stronger.
Could another competitor to gain control over this market? It’s relatively large with a number of competitors in it. Is there anyway for another producer to knock Apple from the top of the pile?
Will Wendy's Business Suffer?
I don't know about you, but I find that horribly disgusting. How can a finger end up in someone's food? Although Wendy's won't be losing any money from a law suit, I think that they will see quite a drop in sales, at least around that area of California. So do you think that the decline will hurt Wendy's at all? Or will people continue to eat at this fast food chain, in hopes they don't also come across such an interesting "treasure"?
Microsoft Warns About Security Flaws
Gas Prices Finally Going Down?
Retail Sales Weak In March
More People Need Guns
Harley Davidson
LexisNexis In Even Bigger Trouble
Outsourcing Creativity
Senate Blocks 'Clear Skies Act'
New pollution regulations will be set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Clean Air Act will remain in effect. In a speech in Ohio, President Bush voiced his disagreement with the new EPA rules claiming they are “poor substitutes”. (Vedantam, 2005, 11). “Connaughton and several Republicans said that overly stringent measures would raise the price of power, hit seniors hard and cause polluting industries to leave U.S. shores for countries with lower standards. Voinovich (R-Ohio) and Inhofe (R-Okla.) cited support from some unions and seniors organizations, along with most industry groups,” reported Vedantam. (Vedantam, 2005, 15).
Information on potential effects of the CSA varies so greatly that it is difficult to know which side to take. From the White House perspective, measures outlined in the CSA will reduce incidences of respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. As a result, one-billion dollars in compliance costs will be eliminated. These savings will result in lower electricity costs for consumers. These goals are commendable…cleaner environment, cleaner air, fatter wallets, and healthier Americans.
If this bill reduces compliance costs so much, why aren’t more businesses lobbying for it? Maybe power companies have not been approached about the bill. Detailed information should be sent to business that will be affected by the bill. The lobbying power of these businesses could tip the scales in Bush’s favor.
McDonalds raising the bar
CEOs and the Principal-Agent Problem
Nike Exposed
Are Americans Saving Enough?
U.S. Trade Deficit Exploding
Public or Private Education?
FDA Opposes Silicone Breast Implants
Genious or Pure Obsession?
It seems like as time goes on, more and more students are scoring very high scores on the SAT. Is it just because students are getting smarter, or are they just obsessing about it much more than past students? There are so many "SAT prep books" and "pre-tests" and techniques on how to be successful on this exam, it is almost becoming a joke. ACT tests are following on this same line. Students spend hours and hours preparing and studying and strategizing for this huge exam. So where does it become a joke? How far are our students going to go to gain a "perfect score"? Or are we just smart?
Losing White-Collar Jobs Too
Home loans for people with bad credit
GM's lack for understanding of their own demand
Bleeding airlines can’t gain Altitude
The current crisis that is upon airlines is driven by fuel prices. That doesn’t excuse the industry’s other fundamental problems, such as glut and unprofitably low fares, but the high price of fuel has masked significant cost-cutting progress, and we need to continue to lower our costs, said Dan Garton, executive vice president of AMR Corp. So will air carries make it through these hard times? Analysts say yes, that the troubled carries will continue “limping along” until fuel prices drop to more manageable levels, capacity tightens and demand rises enough so that fares can hit profitable levels. Do you think this will ever happen?
Gym Membership Doomed From Day One
I bring it up not just to give a shout out to one of the better sites on the web, but, also because I have seen many people I know who at one moment get highly motivated, sign up for extended gym memberships, and then return only a small handful of times. I am sure this is the type of person that gyms generally love to have join them. Is this type of practice ethical on the gyms part or do these new members basically get what they deserve?