
Cheating on your TAXES!!!

The recent New York Times article titled "Filling in the Tax Gap", is an excellent article that goes against the traditional grain of hating the IRS . It says that if you are an honest tax payer you should want the IRS to perform more audits. Most people are deadly afraid of the IRS and the word, "Audit." This should not be the case. The article details a 3 year IRS study. In the study the IRS randomly selected 46,000 tax returns for intensive review. Using this sample the IRS projected that the difference between the amount of taxes paid and the amount that should have been paid was a whopping $346 million. As an honest tax payer this disgusts me. Why should I be paying my fair share of taxes while there are others who are cheating on their returns? The article did convince me, an honest tax payer, that the IRS should do more to catch cheaters, but I am still deeply afraid of anything to do with an audit.


Anonymous said...

Cheating on your taxes is a good thing because the government has no right to your income. It might have created the law that says you have to pay but that doesn't make it justfiable in any way. This tax hits the wealthy and poor americans hard. The government is robbing people of the very tool they need to improve their lives so they can have earmarks and pork barrel spending projects. I say cheating on your taxes is the proper American way and anyone who willingly pays those taxes is simply UNAMERICAN!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, you are obviously oblivious to just how many programs you enjoy that are given to you and yours based on taxes. Do you like the fact that there are police, schools, roads? Yep, just a few things paid for by a little bit of money from everybody. I do agree with the others, though, that said taxes should be based not on income, but just a plain flat rate.