
Woman Power

According to an article in BusinessWeek Online, women purchase at least half of all consumer electronics sold. As described in the article, many companies are shifting their focuses of their advertising campaigns towards women. Many executives and managers are making this change after realizing the revenue potential of women buyers. This phenomenon sounds as though the companies are trying to expand their demand for their products by reaching a new clientele. It will be very interesting to see if this marketing goal will produce the desired fruits of the electronic corporations.

1 comment:

Dr. Tufte said...

-1 on Chuck's comment for spelling errors.

Targeted marketing like this is a form of third degree price discrimination (which is perfectly legal) and is discussed in Chapter 11 of our text.

FWIW: I was in Brookstone in Trolley Square in November, and there were only women working, and every other shopper was a woman too - and I was buying a guilt gift for my "tech-chick" wife.