
Anti-War Demonstrations

Yesterday, on October 23, 2005, anti-war demonstrators gathered throughout the Globe to voice their opinions against the war in Iraq. According to: Anti-war demonstrators, In Washington alone, nearly 100,000 banded together to get their message across. Despite Bush’s absence, people waved banners, and shouted their exclamations against the war. In Rome and London, many asserted that the war should end. While there were small groups "protesting the protestors" the majority of those in attendance were all there to support a common cause---pulling out of the Iraq war. Personally, I praise all those that were involved in protesting the war, especially those that did so in Washington. I knew a young man who was shot in the head and killed in Iraq, and the torment that his family, and young, widowed bride are enduring is unbearable. When will enough be enough? I believe Bush needs to demonstrate some positive leadership and attempt to pull out our troops and end the war in a careful, and efficient manner. All the billions of dollars that are being flushed down the toilet could be used to invest in something with immeasurable returns – "humanity". Over 15% of the people in the United States have no health insurance, yet Bush continues to approve spending for the Iraq war. Millions are disabled and are living on small, fixed incomes, yet once again Bush forks out the Americans’ hard earned tax dollars for the "almighty" Iraq war. My deep concern and question is: When will Bush wake up and realize that people in this country are desperately in need of his support? When will he start investing in the American people that he supposedly represents? Unfortunately Bush’s term of office won’t end until 2008, but in the mean time, I hope people throughout the World continue to protest the war and terrible crimes against humanity that are occurring as a result.


pramahaphil said...

I'd like to echo the sentiments of Logan. I think it would be extremely dishonorable to those that died on 9-11, the soldiers who have died in Iraq and Afghanistan, for us as a nation to say, "the war isn't worth it, ending terrorism and tyranny is too hard." Soldiers aren't some dummies that were duped into joining the military, every last one of the soldiers know they may be asked to lay their life on the line.

For the political left to discredit their sacrifice they way they do by protesting the war is disgraceful.

Now Bush is off-base believing that spending can be increased exponentially with cuts in revenue. I believe his tax cuts would be proper if it weren't for war and these times of major catastrophe. But I truely apppreciate his efforts to encourage Americans to give to private charities during times like these, instead of increasing the amount of tax dollars used for welfare spending.

Dr. Tufte said...

-2 on Morgan's post for multiple spelling errors.

-1 on Logan's comment for a spelling error.

What does this have to do with ManEc?