

last wednesday I fueled my car knowing that if I waited another day to do it I would have ended up paying several dollars more. Everyone has noticed the price of gas has continued to go up the last couple of years, the lastest jump due to Hurricane Katrina. The price of regular unleaded is rapidly approaching $3 per gallon and is expected to exceed that in the next few days, but what is more alarming to me is the price of diesel fuel which has been over $3 per gallon for a couple of weeks and still continues to rise. The increase in diesel fuel increases the cost of logistics in the United States, if the cost continues to rise then the cost of regular consumer goods will soon follow. Therefore the cost of living in the U.S. will increase leading to inflation. The worst part is that most working students and staff at the university will probably not be properly compensated to match the higher cost of living. For more information on the rising gas prices please visit


Anonymous said...

The real tragedy be when the government releases the "inflation" rate it will be like .0000000000001 and they will say it with a smile on their face.

Dr. Tufte said...

-3 on Sophia's post for no link, poor capitalization, and for being apparently unfinished.

-1 on Alex's comment for spelling errors.

This blog is public, and as you can see, anyone can comment on it. The first one looks like spam, and as for the second, mrknowitall doesn't.

I think Sophia is right - these price increases will cause a drop in real incomes.