This blog contains posts and comments written by students in Dr. Tufte's economics classes at Southern Utah University.
Schools Cut Back Subjects to Push Reading and Math
Remittances to Mexico Exceed $20 Billion
I found an interesting article relating to immigration. The author states, “In 2005, Mexicans in the
AACSB Accreditation
First, consider being Harvard University versus the University of Phoenix. As you may know, Harvard is AACSB accredited and the University of Phoenix is not. Take the perspective of each school and see how you would view AACSB accreditation.
Next, consider being a business professor versus a business owner. In most cases, the professor understands what accreditation is and the business owner has no idea what it is. Take the perspective of each individual and see how you would view the AACSB accreditation.
P.S. Way to go SUU!
Any comments?
CBS's Slam Dunk on the Web
Buyer (And Seller) Beware
Buyers need to watch out as well. Take Cedar City for example. The average wage in Cedar City is not nearly enough to be able to afford a home. Renting is still cheap compared to what a mortgage payment would be. Buyers tend to overlook this because of the prestige of owning their own home. If the market drops when it comes time to sell, most will end up losing money. This is a good article to read if you are even remotely involved in the real estate market.
Bush's Temporary Worker Plan
Yes...'Illegal' Immigrants are Illegal
I lived in an area where there were many illegal immigrants...and yes, that means it was not legal for them to be there. These people that "immigrate" into America illegally really have no regard for the law. In fact, they just continue to break the law. On one hand, they knowingly break the law. This is evident by those that falsify their identity and/or their citizenship status. On another hand, many of them do not even know the law. This is painfully evident when they don't follow traffic and pedestrian laws. We don't need to go into what becomes of a society that disregards the law. But if you want a good idea of the result, be my guest and visit any area that is densely populated with illegal immigrants.
Now, I would guess that this writer does not live in an area like the one I described. If he did, I doubt he would write such posts. I have found that it is easy for people who do not have to directly deal with the consequences of illegal immigration to treat it lightly. The problem is that all of us have to deal with the consequences of this issue directly or indirectly. For example, when the illegals come, they often receive government benefits. They don't pay any taxes, but get the benefits of taxes collected from legal citizens. This is a serious issue; not one to be argued in some abstract manner. I do not claim to have the answers to solve this problem, but I think I have a grip on the reality of this issue.
Do not mistake this post to be about a certain race or even about immigrants in general. It is about "illegal" immigrants. These are totally different issues. While living in that area with a lot of illegal immigrants (mentioned above), I also had an "immigrant" neighbor who was in the United States legally. Guess what? He did not stand on the street corner waiting for work. Instead, he owned his own business as well as his own home. He and his family had respect for the laws and the community. This person was also a great neighbor and good friend. What a stark contrast he is from those that immigrate illegally.
GM/Delphi Strike Good For Economy?
It would seem the union has the upper hand. However, GM and Delphi are sending the signal back that if the union strikes there may not be any jobs to go back to after the strike.
The union is the real loser here. Either way they lose. If they go on strike GM and Delphi will have to file for bankruptcy and shut the doors and their contracts are void. If they offer concessions they still lose because jobs and wages will be cut and they give up power.
GM can win either way. Although chapter 11 maybe bad for publicity it maybe a chance to void union contracts and cut excess fat. If the union offers concessions they still win because GM can still cut and trim costs.
Either way the US economy in the long run will benefit. GM has been run like a government pork project since the 50’s. It’s time they get competitive in the global economy. However, in the short run this shake up will sting.
Schools Cut Back Subjects to Push Reading and Math
AACSB Accreditation at SUU
I too wanted to put in a few words about the soon-to-be-official AACSB accreditation at SUU mentioned on Dr. Tufte's other blog site. I have to admit that I when I first looked at MBA programs, AACSB accreditation was ranked very high in my search criteria. This is probably due to the fact that I came from an undergraduate business program that was AACSB accredited.
Without knowing that SUU was even in the accreditation process, I decided that AACSB accreditation was not everything. I was able to do this only after I stepped back and analyzed the true value of the AACSB accreditation. When I took an objective look, I found that some interesting insights:
First, the value of AACSB accreditation is very high within the accademic realm. There is a greater acceptance of credits between and among AACSB accredited schools. It does not guarantee this acceptance, but often facilitates it. All of my MBA prerequisite work at SUU was accepted mostly because I held a business degree from an AACSB accredited school.
Second, the AACSB accreditation does not hold the same clout in the business world. Accreditation is probably one of the most misunderstood areas of education by the public. When employers look at resumes, I doubt if they bother to find out whether or not an MBA is from an AACSB accredited business school. On the other hand, it does not hurt to hold the same business accreditation as the more well-known schools like Harvard or Stanford.
Third, the true value of the AACSB accreditation is the higher level of quality that it promotes in the business school. As many could attest to, the AACSB accreditation process is rigorous and intensive. The sheer fact that the accreditation process is undertaken shows the commitment to quality by a business school. This can only be good for both the business school and the student.
I am very happy that the School of Business at SUU decided to pursue this accreditation. I think it tells alot about their commitment to quality and growth. Also, congratulations to all the faculty and staff who made it a success! While AACSB accreditation is not everything, it is something special. Great Job!
Many Accolades to The SUU Business School!
Sad Commentary
Not Overly Amused
Are We Seeing a Trend?
Electricity Price Gouging
Slowing Down Time
Pharmaceutical companies and AIDS in Africa
general motors is looking to increase prosperity with buyouts
Who can we blame for high oil prices?
Tribe to get contract with the defense department
New fed chief to increase interest rates
FREAKONOMICS - Economist for President
Has Anyone Checked This Guy's IQ?
Oldie, but Goodie
Disturbing image/philosphy!
Global Warming and Argentina
Using Argentina as a focus, the article went through and delineated the effects of rising global temperatures on a country. Argentina is a country based on an agricultural economy. The soybean and wheat fields in the center of the country are being flooded and ruined. The north part of the country is in a drought and the agriculture fields are drying up. Shipping companies are running into the issue that major thoroughfares are underwater. Most shippers thought that the roads would only be underwater for a season, but it has now been years.
It is pretty amazing to me to see how the higher global temperatures affect the world economy.
Possible Tax-Write-offs!
Right To Be Concerned With Oil Prices
Debt and War
Deal or No Deal?
AT&T to buy BellSouth
They're stealing our consumer surplus!
As if Americans weren’t already price sensitive enough about airline flights, a few airlines have decided to charge a little more for some seats that they think we might pay a premium for. Specifically, they’re planning to charge more for aisle seats and exit row seats. In my opinion, the ideas will not get them very far. Firstly, the only successful airlines in the country right now are the ones that are cutting costs and lowering prices. I don’t see this idea creating a good image for struggling airlines. Second, although some people probably would be willing to pay a little extra for specific seats, I think there are a lot more who will choose to fly on another airline if all of the cheap seats are taken, unless there are no other options.
Wal-Mart goes direct with Coca Cola
I was reading an article on titled, “Is Coke's Franchising Business Model Obsolete?” This made reference to an article from the Wall Street Journal about Wal-Mart wanting to go direct to Coca Cola with Powerade. Apparently Wal-Mart has developed their distribution system so that they can do a “better job” than Coca Cola. The big deal is that the bottlers of Coca Cola feel that they are being taken out of the loop and that if Coca Cola allows this deal to go through than what will stop them from allowing other deals to go direct. My question is, isn’t this economically efficient?
The "Wal-Mart Bill" in Maryland
I agree with the author in his findings related to this bill. The intent of the bill was to get Wal-Mart to spend more on health care for its employees. The problem is that is was founded on weak arguments and it has adverse side effects. Ultimately, this will hurt the workers at Wal-Mart more than anyone else.
This bill mainly hurts those that are part-time workers like students, housewives, and seniors who also receive health insurance. These types of employees are typically covered by other insurance plans-husbands, fathers, or the government. Specifying that 8% of compensation has to be in health insurance just means that these workers will received less in pay. The insurance is not meaningful to them anyway.
There are other adverse side effects mentioned in the article if you want to reference it. This goes to show what happens when governments try to get involved in business. They try to regulate one area and then create problems in other areas.
Economics inverse Darwinism
Mid east's economic boom
Do moviemakers deserve a tax break?
Medical Outsourcing
Most Business Friendly States
I read an interesting article talking about which states have the most business friendly tax systems, and how businesses are attracted to these states. It is interesting;
French Employers Can Now Fire More Easily
Does the Superbowl Predict Economic Growth?
Learning Curves
Recently in class we discussed a case study on the wide-body aircraft industry. In that discussion Dr. Tufte suggested that the evidence supporting the learning curve is really quite flimsy. He said that most of the supporting evidence was gathered during WWII and the decreases in time were the result of lower quality not improved ability. He further stated that the decreases in costs in the wide-body case study came about because the fixed costs were being allocated over more units of production. I’m not sure I buy that. A person does get more proficient at a task with repetition. Dr. Tufte himself I think would admit this, one of the reasons he started one of his blogs was that he “was losing (his) ‘edge’ as a writer.” That would suggest to me a shift backwards along a learning curve. I will admit though that the discussion in class made me question whether or not learning curves are a valid as I had thought.
Tufte's Economics Classes Blog
The Controversial School Voucher Issue
An issue that has become more prevalent lately is that of the declining education that is received in public schools across
price war: does anyone benefit?
Posted by Will
I'm Thirsty for Price Discrimination!
America: Capitalistic Hypocrites
I contend that if we truly were a capitalistic society then we would let other countries produce these types of products because they can do it cheaper, faster, and better. We in turn would competitively produce with our competencies whatever product we make best (big cars, movies, music, and porn).
With our global society today and this formula, our products we could purchase and produce would be bigger, better, and cheaper.
Economic Freedom vs. Economic Security?
Outsourcing: Day Care
Personally, I think that it would have made all the difference in my life to have a mother at home. Economically, this article points out that a mother’s raising of her children is an investment that will provide great benefits in the future. The investment cannot be better made by anyone other than the mother.
The blogger points to research that shows that prekindergarten (day care or preschool) can increase the child’s performance in English and Math, but it can also increase behavioral problems and lack of self-control. Economically, if a mother wants to see a return on her investment, she must weigh the costs of behavioral and self-control problems vs. money earned at work. Later on in life, when the parents are retired, what type of return on that investment will the mother receive? Will the child be successful in life and be able to support the parents? On the other hand, will the parents be able to support themselves and their children?