This blog contains posts and comments written by students in Dr. Tufte's economics classes at Southern Utah University.
Recession's Hidden Virtues
Don’t Blame The Burgers
Off Shoring and Beyond
A New and Improved iPhone
It seems like on most iPods that the new release is close to double the size, so my question or thought is why is Apple only increasing the Internet speed from 2.5G to 3G? Wouldn't something like 5G really blow the new sales out of the water. I just think that the new speed won't be fast enough to produce the sales that AT&T and Apple are looking for.
Google Planning Online Storage Service
This means that mobility features and applications will progress rapidly to utilize this new potential. Currently, unless you have your files on a server like this, you must bring all of your files with you wherever you go (if you need to access them). Popularity for multi-purpose hand held devices, PDA's, laptops, and cell phones will offer internet connections more abundantly, at greater speeds, and with broader application.
Potentially, productivity will increase as we are more and more connected to and dependent on the internet in our daily lives. Google is smart to be pioneering in this manner such a service as the majority of the market will look to their services for their online data storage solutions. This will prevent competitors from gaining a significant market share while continuing to spread the blanket of Google's breadth and depth in the market.
Google truly has an aggressive strategy to become part of the daily activities of every person on the internet, but I worry that their aggressiveness will someday come under the attack of anti-monopolistic lawsuits and regulation.
Online Holiday Shopping
To retailers, this time of year is like the Super Bowl of shopping. Most of the proceeds made in a calendar year for many retailers will occur during the holidays. As a result, retailers are all pining to collect as much from as many customers as possible, so some strange and otherwise abnormal pricing schemes and strategies take place.
I propose that even though the Black Friday participants feel that they are getting phenomenal deals, that they all suffer from the winner's curse, and that part of the price paid by them for their goods is not easily accounted for like loss of sleep, waiting in large lines, or fighting that cranky fat lady for the last copy of Pirates of the Caribbean on sale for $5.99.
FCC Regulating Cable
Since when did 'We The People' also include 'We The Cable Subscribers?' Cable television is a private good just like anything else in the world, but the government would like to treat it more like a public good. It is not our responsibility to make sure that every American home gets cheap cable TV.
I am also struggling with the implications that some cable providers have too large of a market share. If there was only one way to get TV and there were few providers, I could see a monopolistic accusation having some teeth, but there are so many other options than cable easily available to the public that the TV market is acting more like a perfectly competitive market than a monopolistic one.
Sex Shop and Negative Externalities
And I Thought We Had Problems
Price We Pay For Bottled Water
So why do Americans pay so much for this water? It is convenient, we think it is more healthy for us than the stuff that comes out of a tap, and it is a sign of wealth. Bottled water comes in second behind carbonated soft drinks in consumer spending. For the makers and suppliers of bottled water this is great as it costs about the same to bottle and distribute as soda pop, but the marketing cost is 15% of that for soda.
The author mentioned that bottled water is a sign of the strength of the economy. If America goes into the recession that people are thinking could happen, the bottled water industry is sure to suffer. This could also have an impact on the many jobs that the production, storage, and transportation of water provides to the economy. It will be interesting to see if there is a noticeable difference in the market for bottled water in the coming months. - Biggest E-Commerce Debut Ever
Isn't this a wonderful age that we live in, where intellectual property with practically no physical presence can make such a dramatic affect on the business world? Traditional 'brick-and-mortar' stores have numerous issues and concerns to overcome and constantly monitor, and much of the revenue is taken to sustain the physical plant, inventory, workforce, warehouse, etc. Now, you can get a group of techs together with a good idea, a domain name, and a server with adequate bandwidth, and make millions or even billions of dollars.
How soon will it be until there are a limited number of traditional 'stores' and e-commerce becomes the major marketing presence?
PetroChina vs. Exxon-Mobil
How soon will "Made in China" be considered "Made in Japan" or "Made in America" for that matter? Once upon a time, Japanese manufactured items were cheap and the country to be 'used' by more modern and advanced countries to exploit. We have since moved to China, India, and others for this exploitation since Japan has evolved to be a market competitor (take Toyota for example). How long will it take China to step up just as Japan did, and what country will we exploit next? Eventually, won't we run out of 3rd-world countries to make all of our cheap stuff for nothing?
Is $100 Oil Lethal?
What do you think? Are we as oil dependent as we have been in the past, or can we overcome prices at the pump amidst credit crunch, stock market, and dropping dollar issues?
Goodbye Economy!
This cartoon depicts the situation of housing market right now and how it is really hurting the value of the
I Want It Now!
Economists are starting to study the impact that instant gratification plays in peoples’ decision making habits. For example, if you offer someone $100 today or $110 tomorrow, almost everyone would say they would take the higher amount of money tomorrow in order to receive a one day ten percent return. Though when really offered $100 today or $110 tomorrow, it seems that most people take the money that is offered today. Therefore, is there an increased benefit that is derived from having something today that we could just as likely have tomorrow? The answer to this question is starting to be yes. Though it may seem that people are merely stupid and make poor decisions at certain times, maybe these people are not idiots, but rather rational thinkers that put a large value on the amount of benefit they receive from having things immediately. Many people seem to be adopting this I do not care how, I want it now attitude. What are you willing to pay for instant gratification?
How the Web Prevents Rape
This article is looking at the impact that internet pornography is having on the rape rates across the nation, and surprisingly enough, it is finding that the two are inversely related. Therefore, the studying is saying that as the level of internet porn availability increases in a particular area, the level of rapes in that area decrease. The interesting thing about this study is that it has almost 50 independent studies it can survey all at once, because the internet became extremely popular in each of the 50 states at different times. This interesting correlation is not only being studied at universities by economists and psychologists, but it is also being studied by law enforcement around the nation. What exactly should be done about this correlation is still up for debate. Should we expose people to more pornography in order to decrease rape rates? The experts have their opinions, but what do you think?
Looking to Live in a Community with Low Murder Rates? Try Committing a Crime
Many people are concerned about living in some areas of the United States because of the high level of homicide rates that occur in these areas. If you are one of these people, this article offers a really simple solution to this issue, commit a crime and get yourself sent to prison. Yes, that is right prison. Per capita, the levels of homicide rates in the United States ’ prisons are much lower than they are in most large cities across the nation. As for me, I will take my chances against the odds in order to not live in prison.
Standardized Tests > Grades
Free the Bourses!
This means that previously there were regulations and restrictions against free trade in these areas so perfect competition could not effectively alter prices. Now that trade is open, this competition will drive prices down and raise quality levels so consumers and society will be better off.
Chineese Crackdown
China has become the Japan of decades ago when all of their products were considered cheap and junk. Since then they have become models of productivity and quality. China is recognizing this implication and wishes to improve their reputation as they are quickly becoming a developed country and a sizable force in the global market. How long until China will rival Japan for productivity and quality?
Troubled Turboprop
This will be a tough blow to the plane industry in general, not to mention Bombarier and SAS. It is difficult to regain consumer confidence after one such incident, but three...well, let's just say I am glad that I don't work for the Public Relations department at SAS.
SAS now needs to regroup and come out shining with a new strategy that will encourage customers to try the airline because of specific improvements to their maintenance practices, pilot training, shorter hours and more rest for pilots between flights, etc.
Take that cable guy!
The iPhone Invades Europe
Oil Likely to Hit $100 Soon
I think the price of oil will cause Americans to shift over to very fuel efficient cars like hybrids and small compacts. This has already been happening over the last couple years with the increase in hybrids on the road, and SUV sales dropping. This trend will increase if the price of oil continues to rise.
Cable Monopoly
In St. George, I think that Baja is the only cable provider and their rates are definitely not cheap. Recently, Baja added the Mtn. television channel, which has resulted in many consumers leaving satellite providers that don't provide the Mtn. channel in St. George. This is because of loyalty to BYU and U of U sports even if the price is more. Therefore, Baja could probably take advantage of those consumers who switch over to their services because of brand loyalty/sports team loyalty, and it will increase Baja's market power. Cable companies are making a lot of money since they are increasing prices a lot and costs are not increasing very much. I believe that cable services are pretty inelastic since the prices have increased drastically, yet the demand doesn't seem to decrease much. As a matter of fact, I would not be surprised if the demand has increased in the past several years. What do you think? It seems like the prices of cable will continue to increase and their monopolistic power will not diminish soon unless more competition can find a way to enter the market; however, it won't be easy to enter this industry and doesn't seem likely.
HD vs BlueRay Price Wars
The battle being waged is reminiscent of the Beta vs VHS war over video cassette tapes mentioned in our previous class. One has higher quality specifications and the other has a lower price. Unfortunately for Sony, Blue-ray will become this generations Beta, especially with price wars like these. The perceived quality to the average consumer is almost identical, but the cost difference is almost double.
The fact of the matter is that unless there is a significant benefit from the much higher priced item, consumers will choose the cheaper product because they receive more consumer surplus.
The iPhone Legacy: Pricier Smartphones?
I think the features on the smart phones have shifted the demand curve out. Before the iPhone came out, there weren’t too many people waiting in line for days over a $500 phone. It will be interesting to see how technology will change cell phones.
The Best Kind of Sticker Shock
This article also mentions that offering a lower priced alternative to their own highest priced luxury car opened up a whole new market of consumers whose reservation price for a luxury car were much lower than the incredible $220,000 version they sold before now...good for their management team on that decision.
As for me, I believe my reservation price for a luxury car will never fit the price tag for one of these cars...and you know what, I quite okay with it.
Bankruptcy Reform Bites Back
The entire credit crunch problem that we are facing is a dirty and ugly situation without a clean and clear resolution. The justice side of me wants to make all consumers suffer and pay for all the debt that they accrued, as well as get after the credit institutions that created and promoted the environment that got us here. But nobody likes to kick families out in the cold dark street, it just seems so inhumane. So what is to be done?
I am a strong believer in the free market and the invisible hand. I think there will be many short-term and some long-term losses, but overall the market and consumers will adapt, and there won't be throngs of homeless scouring the streets of homes they once occupied. Hopefully this is a lesson learned for consumers to not live on the edge of their financial limitations, as well as a lesson to lending institutions to be more selective when handing out money. The truth of the matter is, there is no winner in this type of situation, and we will all suffer or feel the pinch in one way or another.
Japanese Home Loan Broker Flees America
This move is indicative of other investors in the home loan industry when the market goes sour. Investors are constantly scanning the environment for the best place to invest their funds for the greatest return. When our housing market was booming, this was a great place to invest, and know it is the opposite.
From an economic standpoint, when the market fluctuates like this, it shifts the supply and demand curves back and forth. This article is an indicator that the demand curve has shifted back for home loans, so the supply curve (mortgage lender) is now shifting back as well to compensate.
Iraq bill would lift contractor immunity
If I were a security contractor and had the responsibility of protecting a US diplomat, I would really want the ability to make an informed decision in a split second and then be able to act on that without being blamed for accidental deaths in the line of duty. It seems to me that they have two choices: take action (pull the trigger when instinct suggests that it should be done) or watch as our diplomats and possibly the contractors themselves are killed on their way to important meetings by terrorists who don't necessarily care if they live or die (remember that Islamic terrorists get to have 72 virgins when they take the terrorist plunge).
Now I don't support just shooting people without a good cause, please don't take my argument in the wrong way. However, these contractors are usually ex-soldiers and ex-policemen who are well trained when it comes to this kind of thing and should be able to act when they feel it is appropriate.
I would think that it would really quash the demand for good security contractors in areas like Iraq and Afghanistan if we remove their immunity from prosecution when they act in the line of duty.
Staying High and Dry in a Recession
He suggests that a prudent investor would go and buy silver and / or gold in order to have what he terms as international currency that can be traded for nearly anything at anytime because the demand for those items will remain high no matter what the dollar does.
I agree that this would be wise since the value of the dollar has fallen and the value of silver and gold has really escalated in the recent past and if the reverse ever happens, gold and silver are easily traded back to dollars with relatively no problem at all.
Nintendo: No Price Cut for Wii for Now
Is the EU Really a Free Market?
I found this article interesting because it reminded me of a principle taught to us in Mean Joe Green's Microeconomics class about OPEC and why they truly don't have a monopoly on the oil market that works to fix prices. It seems that no single OPEC nation trusts the others to not cheat and sell more oil, so each country does cheat on the set production numbers, and their production plans continue to fail. Hey, it is good for those living in our country since we won't drill any of our own oil.
I do have to agree somewhat with those countries that do influence the "Key Industries" because there should be strategic moves made by the government to protect the citizens of that country if something in the market is threatening them. For example, having a steady supply of oil and / or coal should be a strategic interest for us in the United States because it is a very vunerable part of our society right now. I just wish we could get politicians and environmentalists to think that way as well.
California rebuilding effect on building supply prices
In the article Jaren Patterick who is a framing division manager for the Utah division of BMC West which is a Boise-based building materials supplier said "The supply won't go down but prices will go up. They'll ride it for what it's worth. They're just like the oil industry, most producers of lumber and building supplies are looking for opportunities to raise prices."
Jaren seems to be showing a basic lack of understanding of supply and demand principles or else he just misstated what he meant. The price increase will not have anything to do with a change in supply but actually a change in demand. We can assume that the market is supplying lumber at the equilibrium quantity and that the market is currently buying at the equilibrium price. When the demand changes that will cause the price to increase. The market will adjust over time by either supplying more to meet increased demand, or the demand will drop as the rebuilding effort slows.
Jaren may have meant that the increase in demand because of the rebuilding would be so small that it really should not effect prices but that the suppliers will just increase prices because of a perceived increase in demand (or as he states decrease of supply).
Immigration Raids Hurt Farmers
The next principle it brings up is that fact that this kind of supply shortage will probably not be felt among the consumers of American grown products. This causes me to think that it is really not that big of a shortage and really not that big of a problem.
The article then goes on to say that this will cause us to lose our domestic production of food and shift it to foreign farms who can supply it to us cheaper. I think we call this a competive advantage. If they can do it better and cheaper are we not better off to do what we can do more efficiently and then trade with those countries? Now I understand that we need a food supply for our national security, but come on...we have enough available land to grow food in a time of need.
The article then mentions that it doesn't matter how much farmers pay their workers, because raising the wage doesn't seem to attract enough workers. I disagree. I bet there is a point where workers will begin to shuffle into that kind of work. It is hard work that Americans feel they should be justly compensated for or they can go elsewhere. I don't buy the fact they just won't do the work because we are above it. The fact that Americans or legal immigrants can find a substitute for working on farms will make the farmers need to pay more to get legal help.
This article makes me wonder when we traded national security and a desire to turn a blind eye to the immigration problem for the almighty dollar. I think it is wrong deep down to allow people to come here illegally just so farmers don't have to pay a decent wage to those that pick their crops. I think a good solution is to make it easier for immigrants who want to come here legally to do it much easier and more efficiently than our current system. Then we would at least know who is here and that we are not allowing just anyone to cross our borders to keep our prices low in this post 9/11 world.
China warning signs coming fast and furious
I'd like to think of those comments as a shift variable in the demand for Chinese stocks and other emerging markets; because it gives people expectations of future prices there. I think that Warren Buffet has such a good reputation for picking stocks and other good investments (as well as when to get out of them) that many, many people will listen to his advice and pull their investments in China and other emerging markets in regions affected by China's stock market run-up. To be totally honest, I've seriously thought about arranging my own portfolio tomorrow when I get to work to reduce my exposure to this potential retirement landmine.
All these future expectations could then possibly affect the demand of the stocks trading there and a fall in prices could then occur, possibly affecting demand for other stocks on other indexes such as our own. We should not forget the huge drop in stocks earlier this year when China's stock market stumbled and rattled our own Down Jones Industrial Average to the tune of a 416 point fall.
Fires in California = Insurance Cost Increases
My favorite part of the article states 'this is California. We are not strangers to these kinds of tragedies.' That means that Californians are used to environmental conditions that are dangerous, not only to their physical self but to their pocketbooks.
Insurance companies in California will continue to raise the price of policies issued in that state, especially the areas that have been locally effected since it seems to keep happening in the same place (not if but when).
But there is no way that individual policy holders in these affected areas can compensate the insurance companies monetarily for the insurance claims that are pouring in. Luckily, my insurance company is not listed as having policies with claims in that area. If they did, I would expect an increase in rates for my personal policy to offset the difference, even though I live nowhere near the affected area, nor do I plan to.
My point is this. Why does the collective have to pay for the poor mistakes of the few? If you decide to move to California, and it is a matter of when you will have an insurable claim, why not charge these people out the nose for living in such a hazardous environment? Is it because a private insurance program instituted locally would go bankrupt after the first major incident? This would discourage insurance companies from offering policies in that area and homeowners would go uninsured. Is it important enough to our society that we have people live in known hazard zones that we are all willing to fit part of the bill? Is that economically efficient?
I see that the government has stepped in and declared disaster zones, offered manpower and other aid for this event, which I believe they should. That is what we have a governmental body for, to deal with issues that the private sector cannot, or would not if left alone. In this manner, however, we are again all pitching in toward the cause with our taxes going to provide relief.
Insourcing Piracy
This is an example of a few economic principles, but the one I want to focus on is government's role in the free economy. Normally, I like to let the market run on its own without government involvement, but in this case, the free market would behave self-interestedly enough that it would be unfair and government involvement is needed.
Left alone, counterfeits of well branded products would produce and sell as many of a popular product as possible. This would inundate the market and drive the price of the true product down. The true producers would be unmotivated to produce since there is no profit in the business, and society would be at a loss because it is not enhanced by the products and innovations that would have come.
Government is needed to protect property rights, including intellectual property rights like patents and trademarks. This protection gives businesses a safe environment to peddle their wares and make a profit. Now the exclusivity of their product raises the price, but the availability of substitutes helps keep the price at a competitive level.
Sub-Prime Debacle
This sub-prime loan debacle really doesn't help anybody. Consumers suddenly thought 'hey I can get a cheap loan' and instead of just refinancing or getting something affordable, they stretched their credit score to the max to get a bigger house. Well, the honeymoon is over, and the debts are coming due, especially the ARM loans.
So who is to blame, the consumers or the suppliers of these loans? Consumers are going to be naturally selfish and want a bigger house, and suppliers are going to be naturally selfish and want to make more loans (more commissions). Now we have people trading home ownership for bankruptcy and companies trading profits for losses. Where is the winner in this game?
Burgers Beware
The market scare will reduce the demand (shifting it back) and the suppliers will suffer. Strangely enough, the price may actually increase since the supply of uncontaminated meat will be more scarce and hamburger is an inferior good. A main factor that may deter the possible price increase will be the availability of substitutes, but their price may increase because of the sudden increase in demand.
Big Music Smiles
What is the point in requiring an exorbitant amount of money from a single mother, who clearly cannot pay the fine, and force her and her children into bankruptcy and/or welfare? Is it really that important that you make a poster child of a young mother in such a blatant manner? Will this really deter file-sharing on a large scale as Big Music is hoping, or will it actually spurn file-sharing to reorganize and find safer ways to push more stuff? Humans are funny in the way that they love to push the envelope to see how far they can go or what they can get away with.
Big Music is hoping that sanctions on individuals like this will move the supply of illegal music sharing back, but I do not think that it will. As long as there is a demand, there will be a supply.
A-Rod Economics
The blog also calculates the economic cost of A-Rod's salary to the Yankee's revenue. Stating that his economic costs are 2.3% of the value of the team. Compared to Barry Bonds (and does not play everyday) who's economic cost to the Giant's is 3.4% of the teams value. In the end A-Rod's economic cost is lower than other high profile player on other teams, and for the Yankee's the new deal would be a bargain.
Sector Snap: Solar-Power Stocks Drop
It turns out that surging demand has bid up the price of polysilicon which is used in the solar wafers, which are in turn used in semiconductors. This in turn has caused the solar panel producing companies (which have been a good investment recently) to report bad quarters and to estimate poor quarters in the future. This in turn has caused the demand of solar stocks to fall, because the stock price has fallen.
It is good to finally be able to find a real life scenario for those topics that I learn in class. It makes me want to listen better so that I don't miss out on other opportunities and/or events that will have an effect not only on my life, but on my wallet as well.
The Economics of Gold-Digging
This is a fun article that presents many economics principles in an extremely entertaining way. It all begins when a
Random Thought
Illegal immigration is an issue that our government is not quite sure of how to handle. If this is such a serious problem though, you think that our government would stop subsidizing one of the largest industries that harbors and employees these illegal immigrants then. Yes, I am talking about the agricultural industry. I think the government should stop subsidizing agricultural goods. It would not only do a great deal of good for that particular industry, but it would also result in less demand for the labor of illegal immigrants. Therefore, such a policy could end up killing two birds with one stone.
Competition within Europe
Since the creation of the European Union, citizens of this partnership have been allowed to work and live in any country that is a part of the
If God Were an Accountant…Whose Life is Worth more, a Drug Dealer of a Prostitute?
What is the value of a human life? Many economists in the past have put a dollar value on a human life based on the amount of lost wages that would arise if one died earlier than expected, but this article disagrees with this type of measurement. Lost wages only shows the value that an employer places upon the life of an individual, but it does not show what the individual personally values his/her life at. Therefore, this article states that the true value of a human life should be measured based upon the amount of risk a person is willing to accept in exchange for a certain amount of money. I think this is a great way to determine the amount of money that an individual life is worth, because it is the best way to measure the exact amount that the person valued his/her life at. Risk versus return, it makes sense to me.
Are Husbands Really Like Potatoes?
Women today are making more of their own money and are relying less on men for financial support than at any other time in history. With this large increase in women’s income, economists are now trying to figure out whether or not the demand has increased or decreased for husbands. Thus, they are trying to figure out whether husbands are normal or inferior goods. Though most women would state that they think that husbands, and men in general, are inferior goods, this article states that they are actually normal goods. Who would have thought?
Next Stop: $100 Oil?
Some analysts suggest that it is simply a matter of global demand increasing, and supplies throughout the world tightening, but I don't think that is the case because the article states that "the Energy Dept. reported Oct. 17 that inventories of crude and gasoline rose more than analysts had expected."
Some analysts suggest that the price is spiking in anticipation of future events that may disrupt supplies, tightening the supply. Perhaps....
Others feel that hedge funds and other institutional investors are simply chasing profits by buying oil futures in hopes that the price would shoot through the roof.
Whatever the reason, I feel deep down that we will probably see a cutback in the demand for oil and gas in the future and hopefully that will bring our prices back to a more reasonable level.
Whatever happens, Kade is looking a lot smarter driving the moped to school and work as the price looks as if it will increase to new record levels.
The consumer buying binge is over
This article shares the author's view that consumers are out of money, and that creditors are less likely to give them more. He is predicting that consumers will now buy less and that the economy will suffer for it. Although he is not predicting a recession, he states that 'one wouldn't surprise me.'
Are American consumers really out of money? Will the gluttonous spending habits of the recent past subside and 'practical budgeting' among consumers take over?
Personally, I feel that American consumers will justify a short extension to their gluttony through the holidays in order to maintain the perception that they are not in financial trouble. I am reminded of the television commercial where the guy is smiling much bigger than a person normally would, and states under his breath, 'look at my huge house and nice car...I am in debt up to my eyeballs...someone please help me.'
Our ambition to have more than the next guy will push us farther into consumer debt through the holidays. This will make 1st quarter 2008 an even greater dilemma as all of the credit card bills come due and American consumers finally realize that they don't have enough money to pay for it.
So I agree with the author that market indicators point to the consumer being out of money, I just don't think that the consumer is ready to admit it to themselves yet. The demand curve will artificially be maintained close to its current position, at least until 1st quarter 2008. Then I would agree that it will shift backward as consumers will be less willing to pay for the same level of supplied goods/services. Suppliers are forecasting this as well and will produce less since the demand will be for a lower quantity. The price may stay relatively the same; there will just be less available.
Housing decline expected to last to 2009
I see this as a classic example of the effects of supply and demand in our market. Demand was created when the Fed cut interest rates making housing more affordable. People and lenders reacted by buying up the available supply of inventory quickly causing a shortage of homes. Builders (and everyone that owned a truck) responded by bringing huge numbers of homes to the market to satisfy the demand that was created. I actually think a good portion of the demand was artificially created by out of town speculators hoping to flip the homes for a quick profit; and the early movers did make a profit. Soon, supply outpaced demand as the prices increased and the interest rates were raised by the Fed, causing a glut of homes and causing the prices to fall.
I hope that the government lets some of these speculators and sub-prime lenders fall on their financial faces. I feel much the same as the test question on our last iClicker quiz suggested about bankruptcy not being a totally bad thing. It will weed out the weak suppliers and will help our market get back to basics and help turn our market around. It may be painful, but I feel it is a necessary step in the circle of our economic lives.
A Burst of Speed at Lamborghini
What To Do With A Wine Surplus?
Inflation and the Minimum Wage
"In the past decade, inflation has depleted the value of the minimum wage to the lowest level in more than 50 years," according to the first article. It seems that minimum wage increases are actually symptoms of inflation, not the other way around.
The other two articles discuss how inflation is affected by monetary policy enacted by the FED, and that the real pain of minimum wage increases are the workers that are the least employable. If an employee was barely worth the previous minimum wage, they do not 'magically' produce all of a sudden in a manner worthy to be compensated at the new wage level. Many of that group will loose their jobs if their employer cannot afford to pay the new wage.
Hence, the law that was passed to 'help the poor and less fortunate' may actually be hurting them, especially since the indicated inflation is already devaluing the few dollars they had before they were unemployed.
Universal health care or alternatives
This was a new idea that I thought was interesting and I am curious to learn more about it. I think that the traditional idea of universal health care in theory is a good idea, but the execution is tough because it decreases the incentive for the actual health care providers. I had a friend who lived in Canada for a few years who had some pretty negative experiences with their health care system. His roommate had his scrotum bitten by a dog (this is a true story) and they had to visit 3 hospitals and wait almost 5 hours for treatment because none of the doctors knew what they were doing.
Our health care system definitely has problems and needs to be fixed. How to fix it is the real question.
Inelasticity of Potatoes
Since many consumers of potatoes think they pay more for potatoes than they actually pay, the increase in price of potatoes would not significantly decrease the demand for potatoes to a certain point. According to the research, prices could increase by a significant amount with little decline in demand. Yet, I am not sure if I agree with the article on significant changes in price. Although potatoes may be fairly inelastic with small increases in potato prices, I also believe that if the price is increased significantly that demand will become very elastic. I can also see how significant price changes in potatoes would not decrease demand since most consumers are willing to pay more for potatoes without a decrease in demand. Are potatoes really as inelastic as the article claims? I think that the article is very convincing, but I am not completely convinced.
With these abnormally high prices for pork, you would think that there would be plenty of incentives to being raising pork or importing it from elsewhere. The problem is that the government has frozen prices and is trying to enforce those price ceilings. Essentially they are hurting the market by not allowing it to adjust itself. If they were to allow the price to rise high enough, either demand for pork would decrease because no one would want to pay that high of a price, or the supply will increase as new and existing suppliers raise more pigs to sell as the rewards will be great with the current prices.
The government needs to quit intervening and allow the supply and demand to adjust and fix themselves.
Ticket Scalping Law in Missouri
The state of Missouri is trying to get a bill passed to legalize the scalping of sporting event tickets. Ticket scalping is a type of free market where suppliers, ticket scalpers, that have extra supply, tickets, are trying to sell to buyers who have a demand for the tickets that these suppliers have. The buyer and seller negotiate on the price of each ticket purchased. This results in each transaction that takes place maximizing the amount of buyer and supplier surplus that occurs. Therefore, all that Missouri is really trying to do is to allow the free market to rein without regulation.
There’s No Such Thing as a Free Pretzel
Airlines have recently started to charge for the amenities that they use to offer their passengers for free. These amenities include snacks, drinks, pillows, etc. The company has found that the typical airline traveler would rather have a less expensive ticket price than a twenty cent bag of crackers. There are some airlines though, Continental, that have not followed this industry trend. Therefore, many people think that with flying with a company like Continental that they are getting not only cheap air travel but also a free snack. Is that snack really free though? Most of the airlines that are still offering these complimentary snacks are not making as direct of flights as the companies that are eliminating the snacks. Thus, an airline traveler spends a great deal more time traveling for that twenty cent bag of crackers. Even though people are not paying for the crackers with their ticket prices, they are paying for them with their time. For me, I say keep your crackers, just get me to my destination faster.
On Now We’re just Making Shit Up
Terrorism is a serious threat to the United States and its citizens. In the area of airport security against terrorism though, when is America going to say that enough is enough? Our country has gone from taking necessary precautions, to making airport security check points a circus. The country should start looking at all of the additional costs that we are incurring to have all of this ridiculous security and see if it is really worth the minimal benefits that are derived from this plan. This article also points out that one is more likely to die from crossing the street than from being killed in a terrorist attack. If that is the seriousness of crossing the street, maybe we should start making people take off their shoes before doing that too.
Organs Anyone? The Case for Legalized Organ Sales
Recently, the concept of legalizing the purchase and sale of human organs has been a hot topic issue. I think this practice should be allowed to take place. People are rational thinkers and will naturally make decisions that result in more benefits than costs. Therefore, if people looking to purchase organs are able to pay the reservation prices of those that are looking to sell their organs, I say let the trading begin.
Powerset to Take on Google
I am all for competition in the market, and hope Powerset does well, however, I do not think that they will be able to beat out Google in the search engine market. Google is too big, too powerful, has too many resources, and is too far entrenched in the market to be truly be booted out of the market (as Powerset is claiming they will do).
What is keeping Google from offering the same feature of allowing you to type "How old is Steve Jobs?" instead of "steve jobs age" in the Google search term entry field? With their vast resources, it is entirely possible that if Google felt threatened by this ability that their competitors have, they will offer it themselves.
In order for Powerset or any other potential competitor in this market to overthrow Google, they must have a tremendous branding strategy, marketing campaign, and broad range of phenomenal free services like Google currently does. Otherwise, there will not be a noticeable shift in the market toward Powerset and away from Google because there is not enough marginal benefit for the substitute.
The Price of Low Prices
Mattel CEO Pledges to Improve Toy Safety
The Way to Prevent the Looming Recession
I agree with the article, in that the Fed is not going to be able to turn around the market; however, I don't agree that tax cuts for the middle and lower classes is the answer to avoiding a recession. Doesn't there have to be more than just tax cuts to turn around the economy in a major crises? What else could be done to prevent a recession? With middle-class and lower-class Americans struggling to survive, I don't believe tax cuts will be sufficient because many people in these classes are too high in debt and will not spend the extra money from the tax cuts on other goods to prevent a recession. Also, I believe the article contradicts itself in saying that the middle-class will spend more with a tax cut because it also says that Americans are "so far in debt." With mortgage debt a huge part of the possible recession, payroll tax cuts wouldn't put much of a dent into the outstanding mortgage debt of Americans. Plain and simply put, many Americans purchased homes and expected to be able to get instant equity out of the home and turn it for a profit quickly. As a result, many Americans paid top-dollar for homes and are now stuck with the debt, which they can't afford. Is a recession inevitable?
The Rising Tide of Corn
The rising cost of oil has increased the cost of gasoline. With that rising cost, consumers have pushed for alternative forms of fuel. Scientists have finally produced a substitute for gasoline known as ethanol, but the unintended consequence has been that the price of food products are rising dramatically. Ethanol is a green, or clean burning, fuel made from corn. With the increase in demand for corn, farmers are having to pay more for the feed used to raise their animals. In turn, the costs of milk, eggs, meat, and cereal are all increasing as a direct result.
This article is a great way to see a very direct and obvious shift in the demand curve. In the beginning corn was seen as a viable option to create a green fuel, since it was a renewable resource. Only after the fact was it made evident that an unusally high demand would be placed on corn and the effects it would have on prices in the food industry. Now we are seeing the dramatic effects.
One other thing I wanted to point out is that the market had a shortage of corn, which increased the prices dramatically. To take advantage of this, farmers have planted millions of acres more to keep up with the demand. The market will reach an equilibrium, and the rising cost of corn will eventually level out.
Baby Boomer Versus Generation X
Welcome Back!
Average Americans and Experts Differ
Follow-up on Menu Foods
Google buys ad firm DoubleClick for $3.1 billion
Jobs, Not Subprime, Continue To Drive Foreclosure Rates
Trade Gap Narrows
Low saving rate in U.S. seen as danger
Low U.S. saving rate
Who is Right: The People or the Professionals?
Supreme Court Ruling
2008 Fundraising
A recent article in New York Times dated April 4, 2007, indicated that fundraising was more than four times higher than this same time period in the 2003 political campaigns. “The staggering sums are an indication that the American people want a conversation.” I disagree. Most of the money comes from big businesses who want a politician in their pocket. The majority of the American’s care but not enough to separate cash from their wallets to help the campaign member of their choice. I believe that this is supported by the lack of news the younger generation absorbs (recent reports indicated newspaper sales and T.V. news viewing are down; understandably they may be getting their news from the internet but I could find no statistics to back that claim) and by the numbers at the polls. Also, this same article clearly states that Obama’s money comes from selling a personal story in two best-selling books. This early in the race the different parties just use the amount of money generated to signal to the media that they are more wanted by the American public then the party with lower funds. Which is not necessarily the case, especially this early in the race.