
DayLight Savings Time

In the article "Spring Forward, Fall Back: Its all about Economics" the athor talks about the economics of DayLight Savings time, and how there is a 10% decrease in energy consumption during that time of year. So I suggest that we stay on daylight savings time year round, I dont know that if the energy savings would remain the same throughout the year, but I know that I for one am sick of the time changes. I say we pick one and stick with it, personally I prefer DayLight Savings Time.
It seems to me that during the winter that it gets dark way to early, and that forces my son to come in from playing and he just bounces off the walls. I think it would be better to have an hour more daylight in the evening than in the morning.

1 comment:

Dr. Tufte said...

-1 on Bart's post for spelling errors (waived)

I believe the reason that daylight savings time is only part of the year is to reorient the time we work with changes in available daylight. So we really can't do this for the whole year.

That also points out why Arizona can take the option to not use it - as you get closer to the equator the day approaches 12 hours year round. So, more southerly states have less incentive.