
Bill Gates' Visa Petition

For years there has been an argument about the border system. Many people feel that the U.S.A. should close its borders to all immigrants, whereas others believe that we should allow everybody to enter. It seems that the Chairman of Microsoft Corporation, Bill Gates agrees with the latter group. In a recent petition to congress, Gates pleads that the high-tech industry in the U.S.A. needs all the brilliant, and educated minds. He felt that many of the bright scientists of the world are being sent away from the U.S.A, because of the strict visa policy in our country. Gates feels that there should be an "infinite" number of H-1B visas, which allow well-educated foreigners to work in the United States for several years. Recently, people have spoken out against Gates for his opinion. People with a knowledge of economics feel that an increase in the wages for the domestic workers would help bring supply and demand of high-tech jobs back into equilibrium. This argument seems to be a double edged sword. If the U.S. companies were to employ more immigrants, then the domestic market will suffer the loss through increased unemployment. However, if the U.S. companies increase the pay for the workers, then the U.S. consumers would probably pay a higher price for the domestic goods. It is an issue of economics, and I think that Bill Gates is right. We need to bring all the brilliant minds in to keep the U.S.A. competitive, it is the best business decision for America. It may lead to higher rates of unemployment, but it might also force people back to school and then once again into the high-tech industry. I think that the U.S.A. needs to stay ahead in this industry.


Patrick said...

While pure competition is harsh, it is the most efficient process. Having more workers, both skilled and unskilled, in the United States will spur competition and make each of us better ourselves. While I fully support a competitive environment, I do not agree with openly allowing every immigrant into our country. There needs to be some limit and some restrictions. Just as other countries want to preserve their heritage and traditions, so should we.

joseph said...

I strongly agree with Patrick. Competition is great but people have to come in through the legal system like everyone else. I have seen too many bad apples come across the border in the Netherlands. Our culture has suffered from these immigrants. Even to the point where our democracy and freedom of speech are beginning to suffer.

The U.S. should be able to choose what kind of people to admit to their country.

Naveen said...

Bill Gates is right,No matter what people say he is N0.1,I think you should go and read his quote http://www.billgatesmicrosoft.com he is really a Master of business.

Jada said...

I agree with Patrick and Gates that having more higher skilled employees will spur competition and I fully support the increase in H1B visas. I support any immigrant that comes to my country legally, it is the illegal immigrants that I have an issue with and for that very reason I think that Gates is wrong and that our borders should be closed. Come in legally or not at all.

Dr. Tufte said...

-1 on Jessica for a capitalization error.

I agree with all of this.

For full information purposes, the issue with H-1B visas is the quotas established by Washington. There are far too few of these available, and this has been a problem for 15-20 years now. They're just not interested in this one, even if that is a dumb move.

William said...

Dr. Tufte,
I am not sure if these immigrants would be taxed just like Americans. I think if we allow then to enter though we need some way of being able to tax them. If they are going to be having a high end job that makes a lot of money, that money should be taxed and given back to the US.

Dr. Tufte said...

A consumption tax would solve that problem ... that's why everyone in D.C. is against them ???