
U.S. Colleg Drop-out Rate

For more than a decade it has been America’s higher education leaders’ goal to get more students into college. Now there are many people wondering why when there are so many students who do not finish with a degree. Only about 54 percent of students who enter a four year college have a degree within six years. After these students borrow money to go to school and then don’t finish often wind up worse off than before they attended college. The article is putting the blame on high school and on the students themselves. I disagree. I think that those two factors have a lot to do with it, but I think that the values you were raised with and how much emphasis your family puts on how important education is has a lot to do with it as well. I know that in my family education is very important. Everyone in my family graduated from college, even my grandparents. I have a lot of friends who chose not to go to college and most of their siblings and/or parent chose not to go either.


Dr. Tufte said...

-1 on Taylor's post for a spelling error.

-1 on Bree's comment for a spelling error.

You can tell that something is screwed up in this debate because of the focus on the percentage that finish. Isn't it possible that some of them choose not to finish? That they see better opportunities elsewhere?

College is an investment with a rate of return. Investment decisions have hurdles that have to be surpassed by that rate or return. We should expect many people not to surpass that hurdle.

When someone uses a statistic like only 50% of students graduate, you should think of it like this. Should you be happy if only 50% of your ideas are things you carry through on? The answer is probably yes - we all come up with a lot of stupid ideas, and we cull them out. Life does the same thing with college students.

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