
Running a Business With Your Spouse

Some people have a hard time thinking about being with just one person for the rest of their life. No more dating, flirting, or just picking up and leaving. Once your married, you have more than just yourself to think about. Going to work is a nice change from the home sceen. You get to leave it all behind and relax at the office. Now think if you worked with your spouse. Everyday, all day long you would be together. This can work for some people. In the article I found it says that you want to make sure you're working together because you enjoy being together. Just going on love isn't going to cut it. You could be madly in love with someone at home, but in the office they could be a completely different person. I agree with this article. I think you should keep your personal life seperate from your work life.

1 comment:

Dr. Tufte said...

Coase pointed out that structures like firms exist because they are more efficient than paying transactions costs to make deals outside of that structure.

Most people would get offended if you applied that to marriage, but surprisingly a big part of it works exactly the say way. Think about it: most peoples' complaints about dating are complaints about the costs involved in the process.

So mixing a business and a marriage is kind of like mixing two business without actually uniting them into one unit. That doesn't seem very bright, on a number of levels. My guess is that mixing marriage and business is the same.

FWIW: Personally, I always made a point of not dating people I worked with. The one exception I made to that rule was the woman I ended up marrying.