
Terrorism & Security

Next week senators plan to start voting on whether to implement a National Intelligence Director or not. The national intelligence director will oversee all of the intelligence agencies in the U.S. This would include the CIA, FBI, National Security Agency, Homeland Security, etc. The intelligence director would have power over all of these agencies including controlling their budgets.

Having all of the intelligence agencies under one director is a great way to secure our country. By so doing, all of the security intelligence agencies will have to work together to an extent to ensure our safety.

According to the article, the Defense Department receives $40 billion annually. (About 80 percent of the budget to the intelligence agencies.) This will be cut to 20 percent of the budget, and the rest will go to the intelligence director to be distributed. By so doing, will the seperate agencies have sufficient funds to carry out there responsibilities?

1 comment:

Dr. Tufte said...


One misspelling, and one misuse.

I'm also not sure what this has to do with managerial economics.

Here's a managerial questions for you. Concentration of intelligence services in one agency is a form of centralization: are important functions better managed and more productive when they are centralized or decentralized?