

As I browsed the internet looking for something to blog about I kept coming across sites that claim that while new jobs are being created, they are low-paying jobs that really won’t help the economy.  However, several of my friends have graduated from college within the last year or so and been looking for jobs.  Contrary to these disturbing claims, the friends who graduated in 2003 had a very difficult time finding jobs, while my friends who recently graduated in 2004 found it to be noticeably easier. So my question is this…are my friends the exception to the rule or are there really more jobs out there?


derek said...

Job hunting is not an easy task these days. I think one of the main problems we have is that people aren't willing to create their own jobs anymore. In my eyes, business creativity has declined quite a bit in the past few decades.

It used to be that if a person wanted a job, he or she would develop a skill and begin to market that skill to the public using their own means and efforts. Today it seems that most people aren't willing to take the initiative or risk of starting something new. It's a lot easier to look for an employer that has already put forth the effort and taken the risks of starting a business. Not only does this make jobs scarcer, but it sends a high percentage of the profits people create up the ladders of the business world, not down into the workers’ pockets.

I think our lack in high paying jobs today is directly related to our lack of initiative and creativity.

Dr. Tufte said...

Spelling problems in Kamm's, Jack's, and Tennisstud's comments.

It is true that the employment picture has not been good through most of the Bush administration (supporting Lizzie's point about last year's graduates). It is also true that it has improved a lot this year (supporting her point about this year's graduates).

One thing to keep in mind is that compensation has been rising quickly while wages and salaries have not. Compensation includes benefits, so the message here is that benefit costs have been going through the roof. That right there could explain why employment growth has lagged.